Friday, February 10, 2012

Sophie's Valentine's Day Treats

What can I say, I'm always looking for fun stuff to do with Sophie and sticking to the theme of the month seems to be my go-to for inspiring creativity.  I helped Sophie make these very sweet Valentine's Day goody bags and think they turned out pretty good so I'm sharing them here.  It was a great activity to keep her busy and she's quite proud of her creation.

To make the cookies we used the Roll-Out Cookies recipe from  I picked up heart-shaped cookie cutters from the dollar store and really wanted to use them so this recipe was perfect.  Plus Sophie had a blast cutting out the heart shapes.

To make her valentine heart Sophie very carefully (Ha ha) coloured a sheet of purple construction paper.  When she was satisfied with her masterpiece I cut it into heart shapes.  Sophie jazzed up the hearts with a couple of Valentine's Day themed stickers.

A perfect preschool age Valentine's Day project.

Just a warning, the Make It Monday post is likely to be Valentine's Day themed as well.